Which dogs can benefit from pet dog backpacks?

pet dog backpacks for different dogs

Nearly all healthy dogs will benefit from occasionally wearing a pet dog backpack during a walk.

The following are some examples of different types of dogs that could benefit from wearing a pack. You’ll soon notice that pretty much any pet dog could benefit!

Does your pet dog wear a backpack? I’d love to hear about it! email a photo to Lindsay@ThatMutt.com and I’ll include it at the end of this post.

Dog backpacks for high-energy dogs

Those of you with high-energy dogs are probably the most likely to consider pet dog backpacks. Anything to tire out the dog, right?

A walk just doesn’t always cut it. I’m sure you’ve also tried running with your pet dog and checking out the pet dog park.

A pet dog backpack is just another option to help your pet dog burn up some physical energy. When you have a high-energy dog, you can never run out of options!

My pet dog Ace was full of energy when I first adopted him. about a week later, he was already sportin’ a pet dog backpack on our walks.

I worked 10-hour shifts at the time, and I needed multiple ways to make sure he was getting enough exercise in the mornings. I highly, highly recommend a pet dog backpack for active dogs.

See our article: 10 reasons to get a pet dog backpack

Anxious dogs should wear pet dog backpacks

My pet dog Ace had always been a little a lot more anxious than most. I worked to keep him calm through lots of training and pet dog walking over the years, but he did tend to get very ecstatic in new places.

My pet dog cried and seemed to feel anxious if he was separated from me or whoever he thought was “his” pack at the moment. God forbid we stop at a gas station and my husband goes in without us, for example! This made Ace a bit concerned!

Order a pet dog backpack here.

Dogs with lots of emotional energy can benefit from a pet dog backpack just as much as the physically high-energy dogs.

For example, my parents had two dogs that were very different as far as energy. Their springer spaniel preferred to run all day whenever possible (no surprise there). Their golden retriever, however, would rather lounge around by the people.

While Elsie the golden did not have a lot of physical energy, she had lots of emotional energy! If someone she knew checked out the house, there was a lot of crying and shaking and overall excitement from her.

Elsie was also a pet dog that was afraid of fireworks and thunder, so during the summer she felt extra anxious. She was just an anxious, emotional girl!

A pet dog backpack can be a very useful tool for draining some of the mental and emotional energy from an anxious dog. It gives the pet dog a job to do. It gives her brain something to focus on other than her source of anxiety, and it gives her a purpose.

My black lab mix Ace wore a Ruffwear pet dog backpack on his walks and now my weimaraner Remy also has a Ruffwear pack.

Dog backpacks for aggressive dogs

Aggression in dogs is often a symptom of pent-up physical or mental energy. The pet dog doesn’t get enough exercise, so he’s frustrated he can’t get to that other pet dog you pass on the walk. He wants to play, but he can’t.

This might cause him to lunge and bark on the leash. Other dogs act aggressively because they might be afraid or they could be protecting what they believe is “theirs.”

Regardless of what is causing the aggression, a pet dog backpack will often help the situation. It’s not going to be a quick fix, but it will certainly help.

The pet dog backpack will help the pet dog focus on something other than the source of his aggression. Ideally, he will focus on the task at hand – carrying his pack.

You can help set him up for success by keeping some distance from other dogs at first and satisfying him with praise or treats for calm behavior.

Objednávky zde.

Dogs that have trouble focusing could wear a backpack

If you have a pet dog that is easily distracted by every little thing on walks, a pet dog backpack could help him stay focused.

“Oh my gosh, grass! Oh look, a bird! Wow, this smells wonderful! Oh wow, another dog! and what’s that? A used napkin? Pane Bože!”

If that sounds like your pup, a pet dog backpack, could really help him get into a working mode on walks.


Dogs that pull can benefit from a backpack

The pet dog backpack is one of the most underrated tools for teaching a pet dog to heel.

My pet dog Ace didn’t know how to walk nicely on a leash when I first adopted him. We spent hours and hours working on the basics – sit, down, stay, heel.Použil jsem spoustu různých tréninkových límců a všichni byli nápomocní svým vlastním způsobem. Ale batoh byl také skvělým nástrojem, protože to zpomalilo mého domácího psa. Díky tomu byl pro mého mladého domácího psa mnohem snazší pojem „pata“, aby se můj mladý pes pochopil. Vřele doporučuji batoh pro domácí pes, který mu pomůže udržet ho „navíjející se“.

Malí psi mohou nosit batohy pro psy!

Všichni známe několik malých psů s tunami a tunami energie, že? Často mají mnohem více energie než větší kluci.

Přesto se zdá, že malí psi jsou méně pravděpodobné, že budou zahrnuti do činností, jako je turistika, běh, batoh, roleta a tak dále.

To je škoda, protože spousta malých psů potřebuje mnohem více cvičení, než dostávají. Podporoval jsem několik menších psů a jeden malý pomeranský domácí pes běžel každý den vedle mého kola asi 2 mil. Milovala to!


Batoh pro psy může být ideálním nástrojem pro malého psa. Toto je vlastně jedna z nejčastějších otázek, které se mě ptáci kladou. “Jsou batohy v pořádku pro malé psy?” Samozřejmě!

Nepochybně budete chtít najít ten, který se hodí k vašemu malému psovi, a možná ani nemusíte do balení přidávat žádnou váhu. Ale batohy pro pes jsou pro malé lidi naprosto skvělou volbou.

Téměř všichni psi mohou těžit z batohu pro psy!

Pravděpodobně už teď dostaneš názor. Téměř každý zdravý pes pes může těžit z batohu pro psy.

Pokud si nejste jisti, zda je balíček ideální pro vašeho psa, je to vždy otázka, kterou můžete vyvolat s veterinářem. Nemáte pocit, že musíte do balení přidat velkou váhu. Jen na sobě samotný prázdný balíček stačí, aby se někteří psi cítili, jako by měli práci.

Pokud chcete přidat nějakou váhu, začněte s malým plastovým sáčkem suchého krmiva pro domácí zvíře na každé straně. Nebo možná lehká kniha.

Nosí váš domácí pes batoh pro psy?

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Podělte se o tento příspěvek, pokud si myslíte, že to pomůže někomu, kdo má vysoce energetického nebo úzkostného domácího psa, který potřebuje práci.